With over fifteen years in the film and television industry Teboho has unshakable passion and determination for the growth of the screen industry.

Insight Creatives recognises that its story that is the key to creating content that will have impact and commercial viability. We are determined that there can be no shortcut to working on the story before it can go into production. The company has the skills of creative executives, script editors and executive producing. We use our years of experience and networks within the industry to provide the support and muscle to complete projects within schedule at a high quality.

We empower writers to express their ideas and have the platform to use the screen medium to tell personal stories and challenge society.

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Our Vision is to create high quality meaningful and authentic content. We believe that stories are the catalyst that highlights the potential…

To create meaningful content that confronts individuals and demands that they take up the challenge of expressing and living meaningful lives.

The process of refining the story is never ending. A high quality and well considered edit maybe the difference between securing distribution. You still, in Post Production have the opportunity to refine and tell a better story. Engage with the an objective professional oversight by receiving detailed and constructive feedback on your offline and online cut.

Leading a team of writers to develop limited series or slate of films.

This service is offered to individuals and production companies alike. It is a basic roadmap to taking an idea from script to screen financially, how and where to find funds for a specific project and what are the requirements for securing funding for that project. An ABC guide to funding your project.

Offered to companies and individuals alike, this service answers the age old questions of how to find yourself in front of the right people for a film pitch? How to prepare for that pitch? Where’s the best place to pitch your project and what the funders are looking for? It will give you all the necessary tools to pitch your ideas effectively and creatively.

Script writing and script editing knowledge sharing offered at various stages including film markets and seasonal events across the year.

To collaborate with writers and create in-house pitch decks that are pitched to local and international platforms.

All funding bodies in South Africa require a script editor to be part of the development team of any script, which means in order for writers to receive funds to develop their film scripts, a script editor is a requirement. Working directly with writers, funders, broadcaster and other key contributors. The aim is to create content that is engaging through high stakes and in-depth character development.

The filmmakers receive detailed written feedback on development milestones including scheduled zoom discusions for further clarity on notes. This service can be tailored to any of the below:

  • Coverage Report on Progress (2 page analysis)
  • Detailed Reports on Progress
  • In-depth scene-by-scene script dissection and story suggestions
  • Writing Labs

You have been funded to develop your project and would benefit from administration support. A project in development requires contracting, scheduling, budgeting, accounting and other producer related functions. Insight Creatives is your producing partner!

The executive role includes guiding filmmakers to develop their proposal to the level where it will stand a good chance of securing funding.

We offer this service to filmmakers and companies who have their own projects and would benefit primarily from administrative support. To this extent we oversee the business and financial processes of realising your project.

This service includes:

  • Reporting
  • Scheduling
  • Budgeting
  • Accounting

A coverage report is a service to writers and producers with a dramatic story idea or script looking to move their projects to the next level. Insight Creatives script reports are a none academic, straight to the point reports that dissect the story and give insight and solutions in a simple easy to understand format allowing you to attend to the areas of your project that need attention.

With over 15years working within the film funding bodies the executives at Insight Creatives provide in-depth concise feedback that will give you the edge to secure funding, distribution and broadcasters on your project.